You can order online, by mail, or in person, but we recommend online. Online orders are processed immediately. For other ordering methods, processing times vary and can be checked online.
Online: Order online through California’s bizfile.
By Mail: Provide the Records Order Form, payment for fees, self-addressed envelope and a daytime phone number for any questions on your request cover letter.
In Person: Documents requested in person take priority over mailed requests, can usually be provided within 1 business day, and are charged an additional handling fee of $10.
$5 for normal processing. $15 for in person orders.
No, but online requests are processed by the state as soon as they’re received, and in-person requests are usually processed the same day.
Check, Money Order, Visa, or MasterCard. Make check or money order payable to: Secretary of State.
It will be mailed by regular mail, unless you request otherwise and provide a pre-addressed prepaid envelope or Fed Ex airbill. Return service by fax or email is not available.
California Secretary of State
Certification and Records
1500 11th Street, 3rd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
PO Box 944260
Sacramento, CA 94244-2600
(916)657-5448 phone
If you would like Northwest Registered Agent to get your certificate of Status, we obtain these in our Sacramento office for $75 if you’re a registered agent client. We will get the certificate emailed to you in 1-3 days.