This policy is to clarify the permissible uses, and restrictions on the uses, of the University of California 's name and seal, as well as the Berkeley campus' name, seal, and trademarks. The policy also identifies the appropriate offices on campus and in the Office of the President from which to seek authorization for use of the name, seal, and trademarks and to arrange for licensing of the name, seal, or trademarks.
The University of California ("University") name and seal and the Berkeley campus' ("Campus") name and seal represent excellence in all areas-teaching, research, and public service. The names and seals have a unique value, and are afforded special protection by state law and University policy.
The name "University of California" and all abbreviations thereof are property of the State of California under Education Code section 92000 and may not be used to imply, either directly or indirectly, the University's endorsement, support, favor, association with, or opposition to an organization, product, or service without permission of the University. Education Code Section 92000 conveys the unique value of the University's and Campus' name by making a violation of the section a misdemeanor.
In addition to statutory protection, the University's and Campus' names and seals are protected by state and federal trademark law. The Campus' logos, designs, and visual images are also protected by trademark and copyright law. Unauthorized uses of any of these names and trademarks may constitute trademark and/or copyright infringement as well as an unfair business practice.
This policy, and the guidelines set forth herein, apply to all media, including, without limitation, print, radio, television, video, motion pictures, and all forms of electronic media (e.g. Internet Web sites and electronic mail).
A support group must receive official recognition from the University before it may use the name of the University.
Sponsored Departmental Organizations-such as staff associations-are authorized to use the Campus' name for purposes of identification, as outlined in the BCR.
Recognized Support Groups are authorized to use the Campus' name, as outlined in the Policy on Support Groups, Campus Foundations, and Alumni Associations.
Campus organizations and groups may not use the University's or Campus' name, or their affiliation with the University, in any manner which suggests, implies, or indicates University endorsement, support, favor of, association with, or opposition to any activity, program, event, policy, political and/or social movement, product, service, candidate for political office, or the like. In circumstances presenting the potential for implication of any of the foregoing, a disclaimer is required. (See section V, Disclaimer)
Use of the University's name and Campus' name by other independent organizations and groups is prohibited.
Non-routine matters or matters with campus wide significance will be referred to the appropriate Vice Chancellor.
If there is a possibility that the use of the Campus' name, Berkeley seal, and/or Berkeley trademarks by Campus organizations or groups or individual employees might be construed to imply University endorsement, support, favor of, association with, or opposition to any activity, program, event, policy, political and/or social movement, product, service, candidate for political office, or the like, said organization, group, or individual employee must first consult with the appropriate official listed in section IV above. Further, such group, organization, or individual must issue a disclaimer of University involvement in a form and manner required by such official.