Studying Chess Openings Just Became a Breeze

It’s time to take your chess skills to new heights. Speed up the learning, elevate your chess game, and reach your new all-time elo high with our wide range of chess opening guides.

Save Time Learning Openings

Learn The Best Moves For All Openings

Level Up Your Chess Gameplay

Improve Your e4 Gameplay

We sell chess cheat sheets for all the 11 e4 chess openings – find our most popular guides below.

The Sicilian Defense – Chess Opening Cheat Sheet

The Ruy Lopez – Chess Opening Cheat Sheet

The Caro-Kann Defense – Chess Opening Cheat Sheet

The Scandinavian Defense – Chess Opening Cheat Sheet

Pirc Defense – Chess Opening Cheat Sheet

About Chess Cheat Sheets

Learning chess is a time-consuming and tedious process. It’s easy to sink hours into studying while seeing little to no results. Luckily, certain parts of the processed can be streamlined and made more effective – like learning the opening.

So, we set about to do just that. We’re a small online business offering easy-to-use printable and downloadable PDF guides for every chess opening, each of which includes all the moves for every variation in that opening.

In each guide, you’ll find the pros and cons of that opening and positional images for each turn of every variation. Whether you’re wanting to level up your gameplay or start training to become a grandmaster, we’re sure you’ll find them useful.