Complete training guide to foundations for community health workers


Foundations for CHWs Textbook & Training Guide

Foundations for Community Health Workers, 3rd Edition

The third edition of the Foundations for Community Health Workers textbook was published by Jossey-Bass in 2024. The textbook includes links to short video role plays and interviews designed to highlight core competencies for CHWs. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a greater need than ever for compassionate community health workers trained in the core competencies and guiding principles that can empower individuals to lead healthy lives.

Foundations for Community Health Workers, 2nd Edition

The second edition of the Foundations for Community Health Workers textbook was published by Jossey-Bass in 2016.

Training Guide to Foundations for CHWs

CHW Training Guide Book

This Training Guide to Foundations for Community Health Workers, Second Edition, was developed by faculty who teach in the Community Health Worker (CHW) Certificate Program at City College of San Francisco (CCSF). The guide represents some of our favorite training activities and assessments, developed in partnership with students, CHW graduates, local employers, and public health leaders. This is meant to be used when teaching or training using the textbook Foundations for Community Health Workers, Second Edition.

Although the guide is based on the curriculum from our college-based CHW Certificate Program, we hope that it will serve as a meaningful resource for training CHWs in any setting. Please feel free to download and share these chapters with your colleagues, citing CCSF as the source.

©October 2015. Tim Berthold, Community Health Worker Certificate Program, City College of San Francisco.


Authors: Tim Berthold, Pamela DeCarlo

Teaching and Training Methods

Authors: Janey Skinner, Tim Berthold

Part 1: Community Health Work: The Big Picture

Authors: Amie Fishman, Karen Winkler and Elena Schwolsky

Authors: Amie Fishman and Noelle Wiggins

Authors: Amie Fishman, Pamela DeCarlo and Janey Skinner

Author: Amie Fishman

Authors: Len Finocchio and Ellen Wu

Part 2: Core Competencies for Providing Direct Services

Author: Amie Fishman

Authors: Tim Berthold, Pamela DeCarlo and Carol Badran

Author: Tim Berthold

Author: Tim Berthold

Authors: Tim Berthold, Craig Wenzl, Emily Marinelli, Karen Winkler and Elena Schwolsky

Authors: Tim Berthold, Craig Wenzl, Emily Marinelli, Karen Winkler and Elena Schwolsky

Part 3: Enhancing Professional Skills

Author: Joani Marinoff

Authors: Joani Marinoff and Tim Berthold

Author: Tim Berthold

Part 4: Applying Core Competencies to Key Health Issues

Authors: Amie Fishman and Donna Willmott

Authors: Tim Berthold and Jill Tregor

Authors: Tim Berthold and Jill Tregor

Authors: Tim Berthold and Janey Skinner

Part 5: Working with Groups and Communities

Authors: Craig Wenzl, Tim Berthold and Emily Marinelli

Author: Jill Tregor

Author: Joani Marinoff

Authors: Pamela DeCarlo, Janey Skinner and Jill Tregor

Authors: Amie Fishman, Pamela DeCarlo and Tim Berthold

Index to Videos

This Training Guide uses videos as part of several training activities. In addition to the videos used in this guide, we have developed videos that accompany the Foundations for Community Health Workers, Second Edition textbook. We encourage you to use the additional textbook videos listed in this directory as training resources. The videos that are used in training activities are shaded.

The videos created for the second edition of the textbook are available at the Foundations YouTube channel:

The creation of this Training Guide was supported by grant numbers 1CMS331071-01-00 and 1C1CMS331300-01-00 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Disclaimer: The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or any of its agencies.